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the top 4 benefits of land clearing

If you own or have inherited property that is densely overgrown with tall trees and prickly underbrush, hiring a professional land clearing service is the first step toward restoring balance and beauty to your land.

Here are four compelling reasons to outsource the work of land clearing and how it can benefit you for years to come.

1. Protect the land against invasive forms of clearing.

The longer an overgrown portion of land remains unattended, the more aggressive clearing will need to be when the area is eventually cleared. Trees smaller than two inches in diameter can be mowed using a bush hogger, but anything bigger will need to be cut and pulled out with the help of a chain and tractor. Uprooting large trees will leave behind uneven ground and overgrowth is likely to choke out healthy, beneficial plants and grasses. By investing in professional land clearing services and then intermittent bush hogging for maintenance, property owners can greatly decrease the damage done to soil and wildlife that comes from leaving the land abandoned for long stretches of time

2. Increase the natural diversity of wildlife and flora on your property.

Land clearing is ideal for hunters wanting to turn their unkempt land into vibrant hunting grounds, farmers who want to plant crops, beekeepers tending to colonies, and any person who enjoys attracting growth and natural beauty to their property. Over time, if land is left unattended, invasive species of plants will creep in and choke out any edible, beneficial plant life. Grass and plants eaten by grazing livestock also become unpalatable when left to grow too high, and this lack of natural food supply will have a direct effect on the type of wildlife which occupies the area while making the land itself difficult to inhabit. By clearing the land and cutting back dense overgrowth, property owners can encourage native species to return to the area and promote biodiversity for surrounding areas.

3. Eliminate the risk of wildfires.

Particularly in dry climates, clearing out dead or rotted vegetation can be a key player in preventing the start or spread of wildfires. Chances are, the company you contract to do the job of land clearing also offers mulching services, too, which help to prevent erosion of soil after the removal of items like rocks and large trees.

4. Prepare land for development.

If you are looking to build a house, commercial building or road, land clearing is a necessary first step to prepare the land for construction. Not only will land clearing create a blank slate for project development, but it has the potential to reduce the likelihood of pests while also stabilizing the soil. When land is cleared, the topsoil receives a modest layer of mulching from the wood and debris left behind. This gives the ground a natural stability while preventing erosion from water and wind, and the regrowth of weeds. Additionally, bugs are notorious for gathering in areas that are dense and dark, making heavily overgrown land a natural breeding ground for unwanted insects. Land clearing takes care of this problem.

Contact Us

When you hire a professional land clearing service, you can protect your property and allow wildlife in surrounding areas to flourish. Call North Georgia Contracting at 762-533-3008 to schedule a consultation and put the job of tending your land in good han


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