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4 ways to utilize Land that has been cleared

Because land clearing typically takes place after an extensive amount of time has passed with an area of land being unattended, the property being cleared will be vacant and inhabitable for the first time in months or even years. Once your land is cleared there are many ways you can utilize your property:

1. Property development

The first step to creating a safe foundation of land on which to build is to clear the land of any trees, overgrowth or boulders. Following the land clearing process, developers will have a clean slate to begin mapping out commercial or residential building.

Whether you are a developer in the beginning stages of a building project or preparing to expand an existing one, a professional land clearing service will work with you to determine the best way to go about performing the job. For example, if you haven’t begun to build and need to clear a wide open area, mobilization costs for transporting the necessary equipment are likely to be low – the team will come in and do the job in a series of hours or days. But for the developer looking to expand a project and needing to work around existing residents or buildings, the project can become a bit tricky, requiring more coordination and communication with the team at work. A professional team will work with you to map out the best approach and help you save time and money on mobilization while approaching the work with expertise.

2. Agriculture/gardening

Whether land has been purchased or inherited, individuals looking to grow crops on their property will first need to create a flat, cleared area on which to plant and harvest. In order for seeds to take root and flourish, the land must first be broken and cleared of any objects or coverings that lay on top of the soil. This includes trees, boulders, tall grasses, bushes, and stumps – all of which fall under the category of land clearing.

When land is cleared, debris and other materials are hauled off site and disposed of properly, giving the land time to rest and restabilize following the project. This creates the ideal environment for farmers to later come in and begin planting.

3. Animal grazing

After a period of time, edible plants on property grow to a place where they are no longer palpable or nourishing for the animals that inhabit the land. Land clearing is a method that can help reset the amount of unsuitable growth and allow edible plants to begin growing at an appropriate level for feeding.

Grazing animals is also a resourceful way to manage property overgrowth between clearings and tend to weeded areas that can’t be formally treated with weed killer. If you live near a lake or an ocean, you know that some long-residual herbicides can’t be used on any portion of land that connects to the water. Sheep and goats, two animals which feed on grass and weeds, can be placed to graze on portions of land where spraying is illegal or dangerous to perform.

4. Hunting

For the individual who wants to maximize their property layout for the purpose of hunting wild game, strategic land clearing can greatly increase your chances of attracting and spotting deer, quail and turkey. By using land clearing methods to create multiple clearings and in-roads on your property, you will increase your chances of moving through the underbrush undetected, making your gait quiet and effective. Particularly for land thick with saplings and brush, clearing areas will help mobilize wildlife and allow it to move more easily through the property, allowing you to more efficiently hunt.

To learn more about North Georgia Contractors and get a land clearing quote, Contact Us at 762-533-3008.


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